Caroline Corbasson was born in 1989. She lives and works in Paris. She graduated from Saint Martin School, London and ENSBA Paris.

Caroline Corbasson was born in 1989. She lives and works in Paris. She graduated from Saint Martin School, London and ENSBA Paris.
Caroline Corbasson belongs to this (young) generation of artists who work on reality at its molecular level, organising connections between physical and/or chemical reality and human cultures. Describing the present world (its societies, its cultures...) from the materials (raw or synthetic) that make it up, and no longer from purely social or even human data. Without claiming the posture of a scientist, these artists investigate the particles that make up the physical universe, the chemical compounds, the synthetic alloys. Caroline Corbasson's work explores the way in which the observation of space and the improvement of astronomical tools have provoked a rupture between the immediate perception, that of the average individual, and that of scientists, of man's place in the universe. His drawings, sculptures and videos scrutinise this expanse. His drawings, sculptures and videos scrutinise this expanse, bringing together the infinitely large, whose evolution dates back to a pre-cultural period, and the depth of the infinitely small, perceptible thanks to the tools of science.